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Tag: AI systems

Institute of Technology, Visualisation & AI

Der ITVA startet ins Neue ITVA(i) Jahr 2025

Liebe Mitglieder, liebe Branchenkolleginnen und -kollegen, wer hätte gedacht, dass Donald Trump tatsächlich erneut ins Weiße Haus einziehen würde? Ebenso überraschend treffen uns die politischen Geschehnisse in Deutschland, die nun dazu führen, dass wir hierzulande bereits am 23. Februar zur Bundestagswahl wieder wählen dürfen. Die Auswahl an Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten scheint begrenzt – und es…
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Open AI For All – The SingularityNET

The Global AI Network SingularityNET lets anyone create, share, and monetize AI services at scale. SingularityNET is a full-stack AI solution powered by a decentralized protocol. It gathered the leading minds in machine learning and blockchain to democratize access to AI technology. Now anyone can take advantage of a global network of AI algorithms, services,…
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AI Everything Dubai

The world’s first government hosted AI event focused on education and practical applications of Artificial Intelligence for Government and Business sectors.

DLD 2018 #Reconquer – AI equals new superpowers for people

Without doubt, Artificial Intelligence will impact the way we work and live in the near future. AI applications based on machine learning, neural networks and data, are progressing at a fast pace and are implemented across sectors. How can companies prepare themselves? What are the most important strategies and processes to apply? How can machines…
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